
We strive to fulfill the words we speak when we baptize a child: We seek to nurture children and raise them into the full knowledge and goodness of our faith. Children are offered training in Sunday School, Children’s Church, Worship, and Catechism Class.

Infants and Toddlers

Child care is available for children from infants to age four during Worship. It is located at the back of the sanctuary building straight down the hall when you turn out of the narthex from the sanctuary. The nursery begins receiving children at 10:45 am.

K to 5th Grade

Children’s Sunday School begins at 10 am and meets upstairs in the educational building above the Fellowship Hall.

Young Ambassadors for Christ (YAC) meets monthly on Sunday afternoons and is a time for fellowship, service and learning.

Catechism Class for elementary children provides a foundational understanding of what we believe. Many of the things learned here will be built upon later in Confirmation class, Sunday School lessons, and youth devotionals.

Participation in Worship

Children are included in Worship during a Time for Children. They also have the opportunity to participate in Worship by serving as acolytes and in other ways throughout the church year.

Family Fellowship

Several fellowship activities are offered throughout the year. Big celebrations occur at Easter and Christmas with the live Nativity and parade float. There are also lunches several times a year for children and families Sundays after Worship.