The Community

At Fountain Inn Presbyterian Church we seek to do “what we can, when we can” to serve others in our community.

Sharing Christ’s Love in the Community

Organizations that operate in part out of our church buildings and property each week include Alcoholics Anonymous, House of Hope, Narcotics Anonymous and The Lord’s Table Feeds (weekly hot meal program). Our Christian Fellowship Center is a Red Cross certified emergency shelter, and we share the gym with neighboring churches and the Fountain Inn Recreation Department for basketball and volleyball practices and games.

In addition, we:

  • Collect donations of food for the Golden Strip Emergency Relief Agency.
  • Collect donations of food for Backpack Blessings.
  • Host a blood drive for the Blood Connection.
  • Participate in town-wide community cleanup events.
  • Provide seasonal gifts for Presbyterian Communities and Thornwell Home for Children.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance uses our facility as a collection point. The youth of our church (PYC) also support the James Monroe Mission house and the Fountain Inn Police Department through their mission efforts each the year.

Seasonal Service Opportunities

Before Christmas we hold a Christ-giving Market, during which you can donate to various charitable organizations in honor of a loved one as an alternative way of Christmas gifting that better honors the spirit of the season of our Savior’s birth.